Sunday, August 17, 2008

Happy learning :)

Tomorrow is the first day of school for St. Vrain Valley schools. Kids, best of luck this year! Have fun learning new things and making new friends! Learn all you can from your amazing teachers!

Parents, best of luck this year! :) Enjoy your time helping with homework and hearing about your kids' days. If you're not already, get involved in your kids' school and keep in constant communication with their teachers. It really does help create the most positive learning environment possible! Pack a few surprises in their lunches now and then - a silly love note, a napkin with your child's favorite character on it, a sticker, or an extra snack to share with a friend. Speaking of friends, get to know your child's friends and their parents. I'm all about creating a sense of community whenever and wherever possible (you couldn't tell, could you?!) and your child's classroom seems like the ideal place to get plugged in and foster new relationships.

It's also a good time of year to be reminded, whether you have school age kids or not, to slow down in school zones, stop for school buses and watch out for crossing guards!

Here's to a great school year!

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